Hello, my name is Debra; I am the author of Under His Shadow. I want to take this moment to thank you for your interest in wanting to know more about me and my book. The book is just like the video, and every account is accurate. I lived my whole life in the military; I am a daughter of a world war veteran and became a wife to a service member in the United States Army. It was 2007 when my world changed after my husband returned from deployment; I would be encountering heartbreaks and griefs finding myself alone, leaving me lost for words. Shortly after going through one tragedy, another would arise, until one late evening, the telephone would ring, and it be my husband Israel calling from Bagdad before something supernatural would appear and I be seeing a small welt of a cross, not aware that it would be leading me to something greater that I couldn’t fathom.
Nothing would prepare me for the journey if i thought this would be a one-time thing transforming me in ways I could couldn’t understand, leaving me strong and courageous, transforming me into someone he wanted me to be. Get ready; i am honored to have this opportunity to share with you what had transpired on 1/20/22: “BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS”
I’m a married and a mother, grandmother, and business owner. I was born on December 23, 1966 . My father was a retired United States soldier, and my mother was a housewife and was divorced shortly after his returning back from the States from Germany. When I was eighteen, I will be married and will have my first son Israel III nicked, naming him
(coco). it was after giving birth that I battled depression and then anorexia/bulimia . Many years later, I was told I was pregnant and would have to battle the disease alone. It would take me a few years to get through it alone . Just seeing the picture of the three of us it would leave a hole in my heart 14 years later.
-Under his shadow